Monday 4 August 2014

So doing this before I die!

Haven't posted in ages!

So remember how our parents told us to give our used toys to the less fortunate? Well thats what I did with my ex boyfriend! His new girlfriend is so ugly :') Hahaha its hilarious! Anyway sorry that I haven't posted in like aaaaaages I just forgot too! Anyway about more important stuff its my birthday in exactly 20 days! I'm sooo excited!! Ahaha :) I'm having a disco party which is gonna be awesomeeeeee! Anyway just gonna post some photos! See ya's all later!

Saturday 18 January 2014

Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video)

If your feeling down in the dumps then listen to this song will make you feel so much better.
Defo song of the week! ;) x

My favourite film evvvvveeer! x

Just some pictures to make you smile! x

makes me
think of sooooo many people! haha pmsl! x
Oh feel the burn! Haha x

Hiya sorry I haven't written in a while things have been kinda crazy! So it's a new year, so a new me! I'm hoping to loose weight this year. People say I look fine the way I am but if they really knew how heavy I was they would understand! So, about boys? There's not really anybody special right now, I can imagine my dream boyfriend but nobody I know matches up to that. Oh well!

I really miss my best friends. In Primary we were always so close. My best friends are Imogen and Charlotte and I'm starting to become good friends with a new friend called Rachel, the only thing with Rachel is she seems to be really interested with me for a while but then just goes and then just comes back then goes then back and then goes! She can't make up her mind!

I was sooooo glad to have a lie in this morning I hate getting up early! Today I'm probably just gonna go into town with my Mum :)

Your friend,